Frequently asked questions.
How do you price your services?
we generally price based on two key factors: the volume the junk takes up in our trucks, and the accessibility of said junk. if you take photos of your junk with a detailed descriptor of what you need moved/removed, we can do an over-the-phone quote, (this is subject to change upon arrival in case there is more than previously described)
what areas do you service?
we are based out of Massachusetts so we do service all of MA and southern NH. depending on the size of the job, we may be able to service outside of the given region. when filling out the contact form or calling to schedule our services, please inform us of your location to make sure we can accommodate you.
do you provide any discounts?
We provide senior discounts as well as veteran discounts. please inquire about these in your submission form to get said discounts.
have a question?
let us know!